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Web Banner Ads

$1,000 | 3 Available

Display your ad to thousands who search the DEMA Show website. Attendees, exhibitors, and media scour the site for the latest news and information on the Show, including online registration, travel booking services, seminar descriptions, press releases and exhibitor information. Your company’s message can appear every day from now until the Show wraps! 

  • Web banner ad in rotation on DEMA Show 2024 website 
  • Ad will be posted three (3) days after receipt of artwork and will appear until the Show closes 
  • Ad specs: 728x90 high-resolution JPG, PNG, or TIF file 

Additional sponsor benefits include: 

  • Sponsor logo and link on DEMA Show website 
  • Sponsor logo and link in DEMA Show Mobile App 
  • Sponsor logo inclusion in attendee emails 
  • Sponsor recognition/logo inclusion in on-site signage 
  • DEMA Rewards Points

Secure Sponsor Package


Special Thanks to Our Sponsors & Media Partners


Sponsors & Media Partners


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